Tuesday, December 23, 2014

This is 30

When I was a kid I couldn't imagine turning 30. It seemed like it would never happen; like I would never live that long. Sometimes I think I haven't really "lived" and it's that thought that scares me most. So to really embrace 30 and not runaway from it or dwell on what I haven't accomplished yet, I decided to throw a big party. The soiree was everything I hoped it would be. I was surrounded by the people I am closest to from the past and present. We sipped champagne and caught up, which is all I could have asked for during this busy holiday season. 

I have been afraid to picture my life at 30, because I worried expectations would not align with reality. But what actually transpired was that I enjoyed myself, made memories, and got to be with the people who have become a part of my story. When I was younger I had a very concrete definition of family. Over the years that has really changed. I am so blessed to have friends who are like family to me, who I hope to know for the next 30 years. Thanks to them I am starting to be able to picture the future. 

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